
Why do you like Storm and Wolverine together?

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Why do you like Storm and Wolverine together?

DanielleduLys PM
Forums Member

#1 | Posted: 4 Apr 2010 19:44
Hey everybody!

I'm Danielle from Brazil and I'm a newbie!

So... I'd like to know what got you guys interested in this pairing! Why do you like RoLo? How do you think their relationship would work? Would it last? Or one night stand? Is Logan the right man for Ororo?

Let's get this party started!
Yaspis PM
Forums Member

#2 | Posted: 7 Apr 2010 06:39
RoLo sort of creeped up on me on the sly, back when I was just a kid and starting to read the comics. "Wouldn't it be interesting if..." I thought and that, as they say, was it and the rest is history. (And then there was the "One man's worth" episode of the animated series, somewhere down the line, which really appealed to me both for the dystopic storyline and the Action Couple it made Logan and Ororo into.)

They have interesting chemistry going on in the comics, that strong no-nonsense honest friendship and camaraderie balanced by that will-they-or-won't-they-or-omg-did-they that was rather prevalent at one time -- not to mention the whole power dynamic that comes in play whenever two Alpha people interact. In that way they've always struck me as a kind of meant-to-be couple - they understand and know each other instinctively, but being understood isn't always simply nice or comfortable.
DanielleduLys PM
Forums Member

#3 | Posted: 11 Apr 2010 17:56
"One Man's Worth" was by far my favourite episode back then. I was like five or six years old and I had no idea what fanfiction, pairings or ships were, but oh how that single episode made my imagination go wild!

Can't say much about the comics tho, I'm a total noob on that =/

Anybody else care to share their opinions?
DanielleduLys PM
Forums Member

#4 | Posted: 13 Apr 2010 16:23
By the way, if Ro for any reason couldn't have Logan, I think Kurt (Nightcrawler) would make a great second best
Beautiful Storm PM
Forums Member

#5 | Posted: 25 Jan 2011 18:31
Well, I like to mix and match couples in movies with my sister. So, after I saw the second movie, which was in like October 2010 lol, she suggested Logan and Storm after Jean died. I was like uh-uh at first. But then I thought about it, like, three seconds afterwards, and then I saw the trailer for X-3, then borrowed the movie from the library (also watched in late 2010, after I watched the first two) and went 'Oh yeah, totally going to work'. It actually makes sense to pair the two since she's the only girl without a guy on the team (movieverse) and their personalities totally clash. Love them! T'Challa, on the other hand, eh... he's ok.
Beautiful Storm PM
Forums Member

#6 | Posted: 19 Feb 2011 23:15
Love them!
Forums Member

#7 | Posted: 6 May 2011 08:31
Well all ya' need to do is read pretty much any of my fanfics to see what I think about the couple.

I think it would last... a long long time. These two are elemental creatures; both have an innate understanding of mother nature, whether it be the earth/forests or the sky/weather.

I think I personally described it best in my short fic - found on this website - Earth, Wind and Fire. There's a part that describes the two individually -

'We're two of a kind, you and I.' she told him silently.

They were a matched pair, two sides of the same coin.
Exactly the same, yet exact opposites.
She was elegant, and he was rugged.
She was calm, and he was rage.
She was gentle, and he was rough.
She was feminine, and he was masculine.

or this....

He was self-reliant, independent, and volatile. He was self-assured, and confident of his abilities, almost to the point of seeming arrogant.

He was a predator... baptized as such by nature. He was as elemental a creature as she was. But while she was elegance and beauty, he was atavistic and primal.

He was cunning and intelligent beyond their knowledge or imagination. He was seemingly calm on the surface, but, she knew, there was a turbulent, volcanic rage hidden within that he fought desperately to keep under control.

Together, they represented all the characteristics of their mother, Nature.

If Ororo was the wind, then he was the earth.

She was quiet, graceful elegance who held the very power of the elements in her tiny hands. And he? He was the embodiment of nature's uncontrollable fury.

He was a born predator, a beast that walks like a man.
And she was sure that many had tried to tame him, domesticate him... break him.

'They' had tried to harness his power.
But like nature herself, when that power is underestimated or mishandled, he can quickly become a raging maelstrom, an unimaginable destructive force.

and how do I see them together? Well as my writing matured, so did my ideas, and I'd have to say that the stories that reflect RoLo to me (of which I've written) have to be Silken Ties, A Day In the Park, Gettin' Busy and A Spill To Remember... all of these are NC-17, be warned.

I hope this answers your question. *grin*
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