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Where are you from? (Tell us a little about yourself!)

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DanielleduLys PM
Forums Member

#1 | Posted: 3 Feb 2011 16:24
Hello fellow RoLo fans!

I was just reading the Chit-Chat and began to wonder about the lovely people that contribute to this lovely site! So, what better to get to know our fellow roloers than a get-to-know-you topic? :D

Me first! (obvs)

My name is Danielle and I'm a Brazillian 23 year-old woman. I'm a historian and also a History teacher. I live in a small town in the South, close to Paraguay. I have a boyfriend but we have no plans to get married yet.

Besides X-men comics I've always loved Spidey and Batman, and I also love movies (it's my field of research - History and Film) and older anime. I'm on facebook if anyone wants to add me.

Well, that's it. Your turn now! :)
soapyharlequin PM
Forums Member

#2 | Posted: 3 Feb 2011 18:31
Me second (duh, lol) I, totally, based mine on your format.

My name is Katherine and I'm Haitian. Like 100% *sighs* lol 22 and currently in school for criminal justice to ultimately deport illegal aliens LOL oxymoron, I know. I, too, have a boyfriend. He is in FL and I'm in NC. So doing the whole long distance thing...see how long that works out. It probably won't.

I read a lot of romance novels. Got a kindle so I've been doing all my reading on e-books. Although I do plan on buying paper books as well. I've really gotten into romantica (erotica and romance) so the harsher words for sexual activity and parts no longer disgust me. In fact, they incite me. *blushes*

Other than X-Men, I FLOVE Batman. More so than X-Men. Bruce Wayne just rocks my world. And I hate him with any woman. He's better off free and unattached to dabble when the urges arise but then to commit himself body and soul to Gotham. I don't have any social netowrk thingys because they are cult.
AngelAloft PM
Forums Member

#3 | Posted: 4 Feb 2011 00:05
Hey DanielleD,

I think it's great you started this chat. Okay here goes...I am native American, caucasian and black mix. (not quite there with the African American classification yet) That should give you some idea as to my age, let's just say ol' dog but I love learning. I was born in Dunn, North Carolina, but I have lived many places in the U.S. as active military. I am currently working from home as I became one of the many here in the states to lose my job in the auto industry.

I have always been a voracious reader and have written odds and ends my entire life. My brother got me involved with X-Men 10 years before he passed and I fell in love with the characters. Still can't get my head around a morally good Emma though. :)

I have a journal full of stories I have written for Rolo, I always felt they were just the perfect fit, I just have to find the time to post them. I promise I will finish my fics.

SoapyH you're hilarious, I have posted my first ever sex scene in 'A Rage...' and couldn't stop blushing at the end of the afraid I had offended someone...but I did give it a NC17 rating to start. I never use the language I write, so I guess it's kinda therapeutic for me to let it out. :)

Oh yeah I have been married for like forever and I couldn't be happier, he's my own Logan/Wolverine...I'm a lucky gal.
Beautiful Storm PM
Forums Member

#4 | Posted: 4 Feb 2011 16:09
LOL Angel! Ok, my turn. Real name: Ashley
Age: 15 going on 16 (no I don't have my permit yet.)

So, I'm a sophomore in high school. I have a fraternal twin sister and a little half-brother in Boston. My twin lives with me though. I live in Apopka, Florida with my mom and step-dad. And I go to Apopka High

I got into Sci-fi about a year ago, thanks to my cousins. They got me into Star Wars for awhile, and I couldn't stop thinking about it. Then, this year, I was making a movie using 'Hero' by Skillet as a song, and I wanted to use SW, but I couldn't get a hold of the tapes. So, I looked around my teacher's video box, saw X-men, and remembered I saw bits and pieces of it when I was a kid. So I used it and got interested when Sabretooth tried to choke Storm. I wasn't using any sound, and I was fast-forwarding and re-winding the thing alot, so I couldn't get the plot. I fell in love after my dad got me the first two movies in their special edition duology case.

For some reason, I always remembered who Storm was. Even though it had been FOREVER since I saw the episode where she guest-starred on Spider-man from Toon Disney. So, she's always been my favorite. I liked her even better when I finished the first movie. I also managed to see all three movies and Wolverine in one year. (Sucks for you suckers!) Ok, I'm only kidding because now I have to wait for First Class and Wolverine 2 to come out.

Speaking of Wolverine, I never really got into this RoLo thing until after my sister brought it up with the second movie. Then I thought about it and yeah, it made sense that those to should be together. I have written many Stories on X-men, some I even refuse to post because I thought they were so bad that I didn't even finish them or post them.

If you guys want to contact me, I usually on fanfiction nowadays, and you can also reach me on my youtube account (ColdCaseJediLeia) or e-mail.
soapyharlequin PM
Forums Member

#5 | Posted: 5 Feb 2011 17:17
Congratulation on being married forever AA. That's somethhing nowadays. I like to think my funny, lol, but I think it's more so offensive to certain people *shrug* I find writing sex scene to be so easy. I can do it in my sleep. It's all those novels I've been reading since I was 10/11 ish. As my mother says, "it's ruined me" lol

BS: Wow, you are quite the young (not to say I'm that much older) but you shouldn't be reading my fic or anything pertaining to sex. End disclaimer :) Just let it be known, I didn't corrupt America's youth lol

Dani: What type of anime do you like? I heart Sailor Moon. I always thought Darien was the finest paper every drawn. And, he still is.
Beautiful Storm PM
Forums Member

#6 | Posted: 5 Feb 2011 17:41
Hey, you should hear the things at my school. I hear the F-bomb one too often, and the kind of music that the kids listen to in my drama club is more than disturbing enough. I'm actually surprised I can find people who listen to Skillet and Evanescence.

As for the sex scenes itself, I've seen 'Don't mess with the Zohan'. I saw it on Father's Day the year it came out, and my parents said it was a good movie because of the previews. Haha, I told them I had a bad feeling about the movie and didn't want to see it; they made me see it anyway. I think I was twelve when I saw it, and my parents hated it. I ended going "We need our money back."

I've also seen one too many crime dramas with indications, so it doesn't bother me much. The moral may or may not sometimes, depending on what's going on. It's not the sex scenes that bother me, per say, just the moral.
DanielleduLys PM
Forums Member

#7 | Posted: 5 Feb 2011 23:36
Hey girls!

Sorry for the late reply! I spent the weekend with my in-laws :)

Soapy - Katherine
Wow, criminal justice? That sounds awesome! Now I feel lame because I'm just a teacher lol. I've read a lot of romance novels too, I got many of them from my mom, who used to love those books when she was younger. I guess I'm not bothered by NC-17 or Mature fics because I've read so many "quivering hot cavern of love" and "his spear of lust" LOL. Purple prose euphemisms are the best! Don't have a kindle yet, I'm still saving for a PC - I read fics and surf the net at cybercaffes here in Brazil =)

And OMFG! I LOVE Sailor Moon! Darien was my first husband! Err, I mean, he was a character that I really liked :P I also like Rose of Versailles, Saint Seiya, Princess Tutu, Fruits Basket and Cowboy Bebop.

Hey AngelA!
Your life sounds very exciting! You must have traveled a lot, getting to know different places and people. The farthest I ever got from home was about 1oo miles, lol. I hope to one day be able to travel around the globe and finally get to see what I've been learning about.

Sorry to hear about your brother, hon. And I totally agree with you on the ''good Emma'' thing ;P

Please post your fics! You do give a warning so I suppose everyone reading the Nc-17 section of the site is aware of the *hot sexy times* that will happen there lol. And you're so lucky to have a Wolverine - my bf is 10000% Scott Summers, but I do love him <3

Hi BeautifulS. - Ashley,

Hey, no hurry, I'm 23 and I STILL don't have a permit!! Jeez, it sucks to be poor (my case) LOL. It's fine for me tho, because the public trasport system takes me everywhere for free - a pro of being a teacher here. But still, no worries, you'll have it at the right time! ;)

And I agree with you about the sex scenes and moral issues. When I was younger I was much more bothered by violence than by sex. Besides, love making when presented by Ro and Logan can never be a bad thing =P
Beautiful Storm PM
Forums Member

#8 | Posted: 6 Feb 2011 13:01
Hey Dani, no worries. I don't own a PC at all. I'm on my mom's laptop becuz the battery dies the second u take it off the charger, so I get 2 steal it whenever I'm home alone with my dog. As long as it get knocked off the charger that is, lol. I also don't own many of the electronics that other kids own. That latest electronic that I have is a DS. No Xbox, Play station, wii, any of it. I only own a gameboy advance, color, and a DS.

As for books, I would love to get a kindle that way I could just download the three movie novelizations, but I prefer the real books to the elcetronic ones.
soapyharlequin PM
Forums Member

#9 | Posted: 6 Feb 2011 16:44
Dani: Brazil, you say? That must lively! women in Brazil really have big behinds? LOL If so, I need to talk to God on why my behind and the wall can have a contest on which is flatter lol It's not that bad. Thank God for squats and lunges. lol They gave me a little somethin' somethin'

I love the purple prose. They don't have them much nowadays. I'm just glad they did away with "womanhood/manhood" and "her honey cove" lol gross.

Don't let me take off my earrings for Darien. He is MINE! I wrote three SM fanfics on Read it, its fabulous. I humbly admit.

BS: Never saw that movie. So I have NO idea of which you speak of. However, if you feel you are able to handle sexually explicit matter than by all means. I was reading that since I was 11/12ish so I get it but.......I don't have any kinds of gaming console nor do I want any. My bf is obsessed with gaming for the two of us
Beautiful Storm PM
Forums Member

#10 | Posted: 6 Feb 2011 16:48
Lol, okay. I don't think you want to see it anyway. It was horrible.
DanielleduLys PM
Forums Member

#11 | Posted: 7 Feb 2011 23:07
Hey Kathie - SoapyH!

Ah... yes, most Brazilian women have nice behinds, except me! LOL
AngelAloft PM
Forums Member

#12 | Posted: 8 Feb 2011 00:16
Soapy and Danielle,

You girls are so wrong talking about the junk in the trunk!!! I LOVE IT. My hubby is forever walking up behind me and double palming mine with a squeeze...his reward my best shocked (not) squeal. You all have turned me so bad.
DanielleduLys PM
Forums Member

#13 | Posted: 8 Feb 2011 00:55

YAY! Now AA is part of the Bad Girls Club too!
Beautiful Storm PM
Forums Member

#14 | Posted: 8 Feb 2011 15:08
Ohhh, c'mon guys. Did I not mention I was fifteen? Lol, kidding.

Grrr.... I just this review from someone named Desean 101. He wants me to get X-men detectives off just because I made the original pairing Sabretooth/Storm

I honestly hate this pairing, but it goes with the story (had he read the full thing that I've posted) Any tips?
AngelAloft PM
Forums Member

#15 | Posted: 8 Feb 2011 17:40
B Storm,
Awww, poor baby . If only I could go back to fifteen again...then maybe not.

I got to read your afore mentioned fic last night, during a bout with insomnia ugghhh, didn't review because I wasn't alert enough to form a coherent thought. I'm not big on detective stories or Hawk, but I could see where you are with the story and wouldn't deem it a Rolo just yet, nor a true S/S. I would not dare try to tell you to remove it, I don't own the sight or dictate the rules. Recently Pari posted the guidelines for this sight and I'm sure they are here somewhere. Laughed at your note at the end of the last chapter, that should say it all for where you are headed. Regardless of your age you have a true talent for writing, be encouraged. AngelAloft
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