
Fanfic morals?

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Fanfic morals?

BlklightPixie26 PM
Forums Member

#1 | Posted: 8 Feb 2011 17:23
I am having a very thought provoking discussion *grins* with a fellow ROLO fan. Now it has me wondering about how proper certain things are. According to Marvel Storm meets Yukio at Wolverine's wedding and after she comes back with a mohawk (not my favorite picture of her). I started writing something about her state of mind during that ceremony. If someone else has one very similar with two other characters is it still considered stealing from that person even though it's a Oro/Logan and not any other pairing?
Beautiful Storm PM
Forums Member

#2 | Posted: 8 Feb 2011 18:02
Hey! Yeah, I leave multiple tabs open for these occasions. I may have already told you my opinion, but I'd also say, make sure to have a disclaimer at all times and list people you have the story based/inspired.
BlklightPixie26 PM
Forums Member

#3 | Posted: 8 Feb 2011 20:51
Hello dear thought prevoking conversation person That mean I have to add your name to that list now?
Beautiful Storm PM
Forums Member

#4 | Posted: 8 Feb 2011 20:53
Maybe. Maybe not.
soapyharlequin PM
Forums Member

#5 | Posted: 12 Feb 2011 20:28
I would say yes to a point. There are only so many 'original' fanfic ideas out there, imo, so certain things can't be avoided but if one were to base their fic solely on another's than that is when it becomes 'stealing.'
BlklightPixie26 PM
Forums Member

#6 | Posted: 12 Feb 2011 21:15
Basic idea is ORo's thoughts on Wolverine's marriage to Itsu. It's okay I'll hold onto it for my reading )
soapyharlequin PM
Forums Member

#7 | Posted: 13 Feb 2011 10:30
In that case, I don't think you can help it. This is fanfiction so a lot of things are base on comic books and its okay in that case b/c its fanfiction so if you have something you were writing and were thinking of posting you should. It's okay in that case.
Forums Member

#8 | Posted: 8 May 2011 00:18
I'd say it's not stealing if you give proper credit to the author and their story that inspired your muse.

It's always obvious to avid readers when one writer is inspired by another writer's story, and that's flattering WHEN it's acknowledged. When the writer tries to pretend that the entire idea was theirs and it's obvious it wasn't, not only does the reader get their hackles up but it is a fast way for an otherwise good writer to gain a bad reputation.

There's nothing wrong with "I got my inspiration for this story from JaneDoe and her story AnyTitleYouWant..." Giving credit where it's due never takes away from you as the writer of your own story and to make it even better it takes nothing away from the other writer and you've shown professionalism and consideration in the writing community and you WILL gain the respect of other authors as well as the readers who may read both stories.

I say post it, just give credit where due and all will be well. (unless you've taken their story verbatim and only changed the characters' names. That's a HUGE no no)

Pari PM

#9 | Posted: 11 Jun 2011 14:00 | Edited by: Pari
I started writing something about her state of mind during that ceremony. If someone else has one very similar with two other characters is it still considered stealing from that person even though it's a Oro/Logan and not any other pairing?

The only way it's stealing (Plagiarizing) is if you wrote word for word, scene for scene what another author did (w/o their permission, and w/o giving them credit).

As far as plot ideas, no, fics are going to overlap in that dept. Hell I've found that I've written basically the same plot idea for a couple of my own RoLo stories..
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