
New X-men anime (Spoilers)

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New X-men anime (Spoilers)

Blackpanther PM
Forums Member

#1 | Posted: 20 Feb 2011 12:46 | Edited by: Blackpanther
Well, since this thing doesn't ahve its own subforum yet, I'll post it here:

X- men Anime Series Trailer

And I have to say it looks pretty EPIC. Very nice visuals, and it sort of reminded me of old X-men cartoon (which was my introduction to the world of X-men). I'm very excited. What do you guys think?
Marbles PM
Forums Member

#2 | Posted: 21 Feb 2011 06:02
From the Youtube upload:
The X-Men are reunited following the death of a teammate, and are summoned by Charles Xavier to Japan following the abduction of Hisako Ichiki (Armor). There, they confront the U-Men, a lunatic cult that steals and transplants mutant organs to further strengthen their own army, and the battle for justice is on.

U-Men, eh?

I think I'll hold off on making an opinion on this, but I'll definitely check it out when aired. But, I am excited to see Armor in this. :)

Scott unsurprisingly makes for a textbook definition bishounen, though.
NoWhere_Man PM
Forums Member

#3 | Posted: 7 Apr 2011 13:51
Ok just finished watching the firs episode. I have to say all in all, it wasn't bad. I had some issues with things, but I'll get into that a bit later.

The line up: We have a small X-Men line up in comparison to other shows. But we have everyone present that we'd all be interested in.

Storm: (they made her look incredibly hot. Would have been unbelievably hot if they gave her blue eyes. Yes, she has brown eyes for some reason but that's neither here nor there.)

Wolverine: (The ol'Cannuckle is back. And he doesn't look like an Abercrombie model. They gave him, his rugged berserker look. I mean I like Hugh Jackman. I acknowledge that a lot of women find him incredibly sexy. Women on here in fact. But ever since the first X-Men movie they've been making Wolverine prettier and prettier.)

Beast: (Can't go wrong with our blue, true friend. They even are featuring the more feline version oppose to the primate that we normally are used to seeing. In fact I think this is the first animated series that's show Beast in his blue feline-ish form. Yes, I know that's not a word bear with me.)

Cyclops: (Finally a series that shows just how pretty Scott is.)

Armor: (Is present in the episode but she's not an X-Men. For the most part she's a regular mutant (love the oxymoron there?) middle school student. They made her a cutie too.)

And of course Charles.

Now just going by appearance wise, you can automatically see that The Astonishing X-Men influence this line up as well as their costumes. Which isn't a bad thing I liked Astonishings a lot the Whedon issues that I read was good. So I'm guessing they were hoping some of the success would rub off.

OK, getting to the story and I'll be giving SPOILERS at this point so if you would like not to have the whole thing ruined for you, (Because I will do it darn it) then I'd suggest stop reading now.

Ok the episodes begins with the X-Men having a daring fight with their long time foe, Jean Grey. Err....Yep you heard right. Somehow the Inner Circle psychically got control over Jean. And keep in mind this isn't the whiny 'I can't get control over my powers' Jean. This is the full blown scarlet dawning Dark Phoenix. So how the hell they got control over Omega level god-like Phoenix Grey, I have no idea. My fanboy senses were tingling with disbelief at this point, but I realized they had to get the story started somehow. Just didn't know why they went this route.

Anyway so the X-Men, (Storm, Beast, Wolverine, Cyclops) is battling with Phoenix Grey. Wolverine is cutting stuff, Storm is lightning stuff away. And Cyclops is constantly calling, "Jean! Jean!" I guess he has another super power in this. Anyway, eventually all of Scott's wailing gets Jean's attention. How she expressing her attention is psychically ravaging Pretty Scott's body. (Did I mention Scott's incredibly pretty in this. He's almost overpowering Jean with the might of his Hair.)

Anyway after the telekinetic beatdown Jean wages on Scott, she draws him into her mind. Begging him to kill her, because if not. She'll destroy him, the rest of the X-Men and probably go on to destroy the world. Scott who's soo in love (possibly pussy-whipped) of course refuses. I guess the fate of the world doesn't matter as long as your baby is still alive. Nice priorities Scott. Anywho after hearing his answer, Jean then decides to put on the man pants and off's herself. There is a nice explosion a few "I love you"s get tossed around and Evil Jean is gone. (ding, ding, the witch is dead! Err...)

The episode then skips to a year in the future. Apparently Scott was right a world without Jean wasn't the same. Because everything goes to shit afterward. The school gets into trouble, forcing it to close down. The team splits up. Scott's off alone moping because Jean's dead. The Xavier school is completely empty, say for Charles and he's sitting in front of a Jean Monument.

The scene briefly cuts to a snowy forest and we get our first glimpse of Armor as she's being chased through the forest by some men. One of them shots something at her and we get to see her 'armor' flair up. A lot of good it does her because she goes under by some tranqs. Charles gets the word that she's gone missing and sets up the call for the rest of the X-Men to assemble!

Then we get a brief treat of seeing what the other X-Men have been doing in their year long vacation. Ororo's on a cruise that some pirates decide they're going to take over. But Storm's like "Not on my watch, Bitch!" (true quote) And freezes the boat, machine gun toting pirates in all.

Beast is at some school in the middle of a lecture when he gets the call to assemble.

Scott get the call but he's too busy brooding over Jean to care. "Who cares about the world around me, my heart hurts!" He kinda leans towards the emo in this episode, but we can't blame him too much. At least Logan isn't sitting right next to him. Speaking of which I'm gonna add that, I don't think we have the Logan-Jean-Scott love triangle thing going on. I mean when Jean died Logan didn't bat an eye really. So they probably never really had a thing. Or maybe he's a cold unfeeling bastard. Either way, go team Rolo!

Speaking of Logan, and this is kind of funny and bit on the slacksticky side. When we get to Logan he's in an airport arguing with one of the attendants because he keeps beeping while going through the metal detector. (Sigh, poor, poor, Logan, will your trials ever end) So of course he gets pissed off. Snikt "Only metal is got is these, and they ain't coming off." Fortunately the attendant gets saved from Logan carving her a new one, because he gets the call from Charles.

The rest of the episode follows the natural turn of events. The X-Men team assembled sans Scott. They get the lowdown on the girl. They find out that something is screwing up Cerebro so a certain section of Japan can't detect Mutants there. So they're going to check it out. Not, before Logan and Ororo go try to have a heart to heart with Scott.

Or rather a Claw to Optic beam, because not only two minutes after they arrive Scott blasts Logan over something he said. I think he called him a whiner, whimpy whimpy, sissy man. Logan gets pissed off. Gets ready to charge but that's when Storm's had enough. Darts right in front of his path, stopping him completely. That's right! Put yo man in check girlfriend! (snaps his fingers)

Anyway Storm makes a least attempt and her and Logan leave.

The next major scene we see the group all ready to board the Blackbird. The scene is kinda reminiscent of the last page of the first issue of the Astonishing X-men, when they all head out as a group together. Anyway, Logan stops midstride, snifs, then grins. They all turn around and Scott's there in uniform. He's drugged himself out of his pit of self-pitty and decided to do something. Yay! It pretty much ends after that. Nothing more happens.

All in all, even though I gave a bit of sarcasm and poked fun at a few things. The anime isn't that bad. The main things that irked me was Ororo's eyes being brown instead of blue. (I don't know why, but it bothered me a lot.) and the flaky handling of how goddess Phoenix's mind could actually be controlled by another group. I mean keep in mind Jean herself was one of the strongest physics on the planet probably right underneath Charles and that's not with her powers of the Phoenix. With the Phoenix there shouldn't be anyway.

But I also realized that they didn't make the show for fanboys like me in mind. They made it for a new audience that probably didn't know much about the X-Men outside of the movies or cartoons. Oh, well I'm going to keep up with the series. I see they're probably gonna bring Emma in this too, so that should be interesting as well. Can't have Ororo as the only eye candy....Or can we?
Blackpanther PM
Forums Member

#4 | Posted: 7 Apr 2011 13:59
OOh, the first ep's out? *goes to find it*
Marbles PM
Forums Member

#5 | Posted: 7 Apr 2011 21:40 | Edited by: Marbles
I enjoyed the episode myself! I have a few nitpicks, but overall it wasn't so bad. I'm very glad that they decided to keep Wolverine gruff and rugged instead of drop-dead Hugh-Jackmanesque sexy, for one thing (I wish he were shorter, though!). And I'm glad for the smaller line-up, as that means the characters can get more screentime that way.

Scott is such a pretty, pretty boy in this. I'm not so sure that this is a bad thing. But damn, his hair. Emo prince Scott for the win?

Ororo is gorgeous, of course. I guess they figured that she should be, since she's the only female on the team so far. But auugh, why are her eyes not blue :(

Also, I really liked the scene with Storm, Wolverine and Cyke. This screenshot made me grin, because just look at her face:
If you're trying to scare me with those claws, Wolverine...

I think the next episode should be coming out soon. Eagerly awaiting that.
soapyharlequin PM
Forums Member

#6 | Posted: 24 Apr 2011 16:14
Where did you guys watch it? Did it air on G4 yet? Nowhere, I love your description/sarcasm of it. Sounds very entertaining.

I hope Emma joins it. I like her. She is such a badass.

#7 | Posted: 8 Nov 2012 14:03
Nicely put. Kudos. Here is my homepage; mobile video streaming

#8 | Posted: 23 Jan 2013 03:35
Whoa many of good advice! Check out my webpage; workplace harassment
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