
Find-a-Fic Rules

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Find-a-Fic Rules

Pari PM

#1 | Posted: 21 Dec 2010 11:45
1. This is a RoLo forum. Ororo and Logan have to be the two central characters of the story, doesn't matter what context their relationship is.

2. Please make your subject line relevant to the fic you're seeking. This will help others who might 'search' the forums. So posting things like 'Help Me!' and 'RoLo' as the subject line isn't very helpful, please don't do that. For example if you're looking for a fic where 'Logan is feral and only Ororo can help him', then put 'that' as the subject line.

3. Please remember we're not here to critique fics. This is a place for us to come and help each other seek out RoLo fics. No one is asking your opinions as to whether you liked/disliked a fic, so please keep it to yourselves. Please discuss critiques off-site.

Just because you don't like a fic or it's not something to 'your' taste does not mean that others wouldn't like it, so please try to remember that. Also what you say about a fic could be hurtful and discouraging to that fic's author.

4. If you're seeking 2 or more 'specific' fics please create separate threads for each request. Please do not stick them in one thread.

5. If you ask about a story and others respond with the authors/titles/links to possible stories, but you don't reply to let us know if your story have been found or not...your thread WILL be deleted. If the original poster states that that is not it, and it's been sitting for awhile those I will move to the cold case forum.

*That's it for now, but there maybe more posted as the need arises.*

#2 | Posted: 28 Dec 2010 12:34
Эта способность позволяет переходить как бы в другое измерение, где все вокруг, кроме людей и запрещенных предметов, окрашено в серые тона. Таким образом, Орвин разоблачает обладателя запрещенного магического артефакта, приносящего удачу владельцу. Выявленного нарушителя можно сдать властям, повысив себя в глазах начальства, или оставить в покое, приняв взятку.
Beautiful Storm PM
Forums Member

#3 | Posted: 15 Jan 2011 17:29
Hi! okay, I'm just wondering if it's alright to post stories with a somewhat RoLo thing. Like my Xmen 4 story that I have has alot of focus on it, but it's another line to the main character. And I mean ALOT. Nothing inappropriate of course.
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